Today was simply sweet! I loved the 40 milea on the road this a.m. with my teammates Jeff Smikahl and Gary Mapes. We were supposed to ride the dirt at Shawnee Mission to get ready for next weeks Shawnee Mission Mayhem. That will be my first Category 1 Mountain bike race and I am looking forward to it! If you are wanting to get into mountain biking, they have a short loop that most any level of rider can jump on and check it out. But, please wear a helmet! I see people riding the trails without them all the time. It is just stupid!
I train at Shawnee Mission often on the Mountain Bike as it is only about 6 paved trail miles from the back of my house. It is a sweet set up! That is one of the draws as to why Ashley and I settled into our Neighborhood nearly 5 years ago. We can run, ride, or walk with the kiddos about anywhere on Mill Creek Trail. When the kids get bigger, I am sure we will go on some sweet family bike rides on those paved trails. My daughter did ride her bike to the neighborhood pool twice this week. She was pretty proud of herself and so was daddy! But, we are still a few short years away from those times?
As for today, we ended up on the road. Riding from Olathe, through Lenexa, and Shawnee area. We took Gary up Ogg hill for the first time. He was liking it, until it took it's last right turn and pitched up to about 20%. I cannot repeat what he said, there might be some young ones picking up this blog. But, it made me laugh! That is a normal reaction to that little dig! I love training on my bike in this area, you can get in a good 2000 plus feet of climbing in 40 miles if you know the right areas and hills to hit. Doing a few laps of Shawnee Mission Park will also get the legs woken up a bit! As we road around the park, they were starting to prepare for the Annual Shawnee Mission Lake Triathlon. I know some peeps doing that race, should be a pretty good day for the race on Sunday, good luck to you who choose to race it!
After I broke off from the boys, I put in a little dig home. I knew they would be driving back to get me for some lunch. But, I needed to start this running thing in which my wife has been reminding me that I should really start if I am going to take on that Ironman in May 2012. So, I pulled into the garage, changed into my running shorts, laced up the shoes and off I went! As I said earlier, where we live is great for riding and running. I ran through the neighborhood and down to the trails. I just put one foot in front of the other. No watch, no times in my head, just running! It actually felt pretty good! I thought it would since I had just knocked off some smooth miles on the bike and was pretty warmed up. I started thinking about my future runs a lot during that 2 miles. I think doing several bricks, (a Brick is a bike to run transition) the next few months instead of just going out for a run is the way to go for awhile? I am going to research some literature on this, but it could help me ease into the running and avoid some of the injuries you can get with a normal running program. I will let you know how it goes?
SPIN! Ride tomorrow a.m. in Lee Summit, MO! Come out and join us! Then attending a few Birthday parties this weekend! One is my Goddaughters, cannot believe she is going to be 5!! Love that Isabel Smikahl! She calls me Gobbstopper, makes me smile everytime! The picture above is of Isabel and my daughter Berit chilling together before the fireworks on Monday, they are good little friends, which also makes me smile a lot. Then hope to ride Shawnee Mission with Jeff on Sunday? My wife is racing a 5K in the a.m. She missed a race on Monday. She said she just was not into it and knew we had a busy 4th. But, I know better, she missed another race due to me crashing my bike. She missed one last year too after a Mountain Bike incident. She is good to me and I hope she rips it up tomorrow!
Have a fun weekend and get out and enjoy your Bike Life, if not on a Bike then just enjoy the weekend, GO!